Sibu, Malaysia — Chinese Temple — Sibu, Sarawak, Malaysia

A brief look at a Chinese Temple in Sibu

March 2015

Near the riverfront in Sibu is a fantastic-looking Chinese temple that is certainly worth a look.

Offerings being burnt — I am not sure what these are or what they symbolise. I did ask but didn’t get an answer.

Photo by Author — Chinese Temple in Sibu — Burnt offerings
Photo by Author — Chinese Temple in Sibu — Burnt offerings
Photo by Author — Chinese Temple in Sibu
Photo by Author — Chinese Temple in Sibu
Photo by Author — Chinese Temple in Sibu
Photo by Author — Chinese Temple in Sibu

“Guards” at the gate of the temple.

Photo by Author — Chinese Temple in Sibu — Temple Guards
Photo by Author — Chinese Temple in Sibu — Temple Guards

— Temple Guards

I liked the little treehouse shrine.

Photo by Author — Chinese Temple in Sibu
Photo by Author — Chinese Temple in Sibu

Offerings down by the river.

Photo by Author — Chinese Temple in Sibu
Photo by Author — Chinese Temple in Sibu

The temple at dusk.

Photo by Author — Chinese Temple in Sibu
Photo by Author — Chinese Temple in Sibu

An interesting place to visit and explore. Certainly, worth the time.