Myanmar (Burma) — Street Photos of Yangon (Rangoon), Myanmar (Burma)

Street life in Yangon (Rangoon), Myanmar (Burma)

March 2015

One thing I like to do in a city is to wander around taking photos of people doing their thing.

I am constantly surprised at the things people do, how hard they work, and how creative they are in their daily lives.

Below is a collection of photos I took wandering around Yangon (Rangoon) and Myanmar (Burma).

Photo by Author — street food seller with their stall on their head
Photo by Author — street food seller with their stall on their head

Street food stalls fascinate me. So much delicious food on offer, and they seem to be everywhere you go.

Photo by Author — street food — Myanmar (Burma)
Photo by Author — street food — Myanmar (Burma)
Photo by Author — street food — Myanmar (Burma)
Photo by Author — street food — Myanmar (Burma)

And you have got to keep it clean.

Photo by Author — washing up — street food — Myanmar (Burma)
Photo by Author — washing up — street food — Myanmar (Burma)
Photo by Author — street food — Myanmar (Burma)
Photo by Author — street food — Myanmar (Burma)
Photo by Author — street food — Myanmar (Burma)
Photo by Author — street food — Myanmar (Burma)

Umbrellas and no rain.

When I first moved to Malaysia, coming from the UK, I found it surprising that people put up umbrellas in the sun.

After a few weeks, I discovered the benefits of a ’sun brolly’ and had a great one with an SPF50 sunblock rating.

Years later, back in the UK, I asked a visiting Malaysian friend what surprised him about the UK. He replied, “people don’t put up umbrellas when it is sunny”. I guess the surprise works both ways.

Photo by Author — umbrellas in the sun — Myanmar (Burma)
Photo by Author — umbrellas in the sun — Myanmar (Burma)

When I was wandering around Mandalay and Yangon, I saw many of these hanging in the trees; at first, I couldn’t figure out what they were. Can you guess? (Answer in the photo caption.)

Photo by Author — bird feeders — Myanmar (Burma)
Photo by Author — bird feeders — Myanmar (Burma)

In the heat of the afternoon, many street vendors have a nap.

Photo by Author — a napping street vendor — Myanmar (Burma)
Photo by Author — a napping street vendor — Myanmar (Burma)

Fruit and eggs.

Photo by Author — street seller’s stall — Myanmar (Burma)
Photo by Author — street seller’s stall — Myanmar (Burma)
Photo by Author — street seller — Myanmar (Burma)
Photo by Author — street seller — Myanmar (Burma)

You fry them, and then the heat from the fire keeps them warm.

Photo by Author — food stall — Myanmar (Burma)
Photo by Author — food stall — Myanmar (Burma)
Photo by Author — bus passengers — Myanmar (Burma)
Photo by Author — bus passengers — Myanmar (Burma)
Photo by Author — street food — Myanmar (Burma)
Photo by Author — street food — Myanmar (Burma)

Very skilled.

Photo by Author — street food — Myanmar (Burma)
Photo by Author — street food — Myanmar (Burma)
Photo by Author — street food — Myanmar (Burma)
Photo by Author — street food — Myanmar (Burma)

Who needs a hat when there is a basket.

Photo by Author — and who needs a hat?
Photo by Author — and who needs a hat?

I loved exploring the streets of Mandalay and Yangon. There was always something to see and photograph.