Myanmar (Burma) — Exploring the streets near the Hotel Mandalay, Mandalay, Myanmar (Burma) — Random Vehicles and Houses

Time for some more street photography

March 2015

One thing I always enjoy is wandering around a new town or city, exploring.

You are familiar with your “home town” sights and sounds. But in a new place, everything is, well, new. A new town or city is an excellent opportunity to experience everyday life with a fresh set of eyes.

One thing that amazed me about Mandalay was the number of different types of vehicles on the roads. The townsfolk were inventive in finding ways to move themselves and goods around the streets.

Mandalay also had a range of building styles. Yes, there were large purpose-built shopping centres and blocks, but things changed when you got off the main roads and into the side streets.

Below is a small selection of some great vehicles and houses I saw in Mandalay.

Photo by Author — local bike taxi
Photo by Author — local bike taxi
Photo by Author — great use of bikes
Photo by Author — great use of bikes
Photo by Author — I liked the ‘open plan’ engine on this vehicle
Photo by Author — I liked the ‘open plan’ engine on this vehicle
Photo by Author — this is what you get when a motorbike and a small truck love each other very much
Photo by Author — this is what you get when a motorbike and a small truck love each other very much
Photo by Author — another bike taxi
Photo by Author — another bike taxi
Photo by Author — that is one way to shift water
Photo by Author — that is one way to shift water
Photo by Author — a local street cleaner on their bike
Photo by Author — a local street cleaner on their bike
Photo by Author — being a bike taxi is hard work — time for a nap
Photo by Author — being a bike taxi is hard work — time for a nap

There was a real mix of houses and shops in the streets around Hotel Mandalay.

Photo by Author — local café
Photo by Author — local café
Photo by Author — a small house that seemed out of place
Photo by Author — a small house that seemed out of place
Photo by Author — an even smaller house
Photo by Author — an even smaller house
Photo by Author — the backstreets
Photo by Author — the backstreets
Photo by Author — a popular style of local chair made from bamboo
Photo by Author — a popular style of local chair made from bamboo

I had a great time just wandering the local streets and exploring the town.