Myanmar (Burma) — Exploring the streets around Hotel Mandalay, Mandalay, Myanmar (Burma)

Out and about in Mandalay from some street photography

March 2015

New town, time to explore.

I asked the hotel’s front desk what was worth looking at nearby, and they didn’t have any suggestions. They did have a map. I asked about markets to visit. They had no suggestions. In the end, I went out and explored. And I was so glad I did.

If you ever go to Mandalay, be careful on the streets as there are two significant hazards. The first is falling into an open drain, and the second is the traffic.

Most pavements seem to have large culverts (drains) running underneath them. Unfortunately, these culverts were often either open or covered with concrete slabs (see the photo below) that were so worn or cracked that the drains may as well have been open.

Photo by Author — beware of open drains in Mandalay
Photo by Author — beware of open drains in Mandalay

In Mandalay, motorbikes were everywhere. I later discovered that many of them were imported from China and could cost as little as US$500. It was the way to get about.

Photo by Author — the motorbikes of Mandalay
Photo by Author — the motorbikes of Mandalay

And just because there are crosswalks, don’t assume it is safe to use them.

Photo by Author — a crosswalk in Mandalay — the traffic seemed to ignore it
Photo by Author — a crosswalk in Mandalay — the traffic seemed to ignore it

Every so often, the best approach to getting across the road was just going for it. It is a method I wouldn’t recommend.

Photo by Author — crossing the road in Mandalay
Photo by Author — crossing the road in Mandalay
Photo by Author — not sure what is going on in this photo
Photo by Author — not sure what is going on in this photo
Photo by Author — three up, sidesaddle and a kid
Photo by Author — three up, sidesaddle and a kid

There was also quite a bit of construction going on, which led to some interesting hazards. The photo below shows bamboo scaffolding dumped on the pavement.

Photo by Author — bamboo scaffold
Photo by Author — bamboo scaffold

There were the usual street vendors.

Photo by Author — street vendor in Mandalay
Photo by Author — street vendor in Mandalay

And people just hanging out on the streets.

Photo by Author — chess anyone?
Photo by Author — chess anyone?

As I wandered, I found a great street market up the road from my hotel. How did the hotel staff not know about it?

The market was on the road near the Diamond Plaza.

Photo by Author — crushing sugar cane — Mandalay
Photo by Author — crushing sugar cane — Mandalay
Photo by Author — fruit seller — Mandalay
Photo by Author — fruit seller — Mandalay
Photo by Author — street market — Mandalay
Photo by Author — street market — Mandalay
Photo by Author — street market — Mandalay
Photo by Author — street market — Mandalay
Photo by Author — fruit seller — street market — Mandalay
Photo by Author — fruit seller — street market — Mandalay
Photo by Author — fruit and veg seller — street market — Mandalay
Photo by Author — fruit and veg seller — street market — Mandalay

Looking around street markets is always good. There is so much to see and experience. So much to take in.

Photo by Author — banana?
Photo by Author — banana?

As with most markets in South-East Asia, cooked food was on sale.

Photo by Author — food stall — street market — Mandalay
Photo by Author — food stall — street market — Mandalay
Photo by Author — fruit seller — street market — Mandalay
Photo by Author — fruit seller — street market — Mandalay
Photo by Author — more fruit — street market — Mandalay
Photo by Author — more fruit — street market — Mandalay
Photo by Author — snack on a tray?
Photo by Author — snack on a tray?

I came across the local railway line when I returned to the hotel.

Photo by Author — train track — Mandalay
Photo by Author — train track — Mandalay

And I always find it interesting how people interact with train and train tracks in other countries. In the UK, the tracks are fenced off and tightly regulated. But in Mandalay, people just wandered along the tracks.

Photo by Author — local train tracks in Mandalay
Photo by Author — local train tracks in Mandalay
Photo by Author — local train tracks in Mandalay
Photo by Author — local train tracks in Mandalay

Finally, as I turned to head back to the hotel, I spotted some dusty pots by the side of the track. Why were they there? Plant pots?

Photo by Author — pots by the side
Photo by Author — pots by the side

Exploring the streets near my hotel in Mandalay was a great way to spend the evening. I am still unsure why the staff in the hotel couldn’t suggest anywhere for me to go.