Malaysia — The Andaman Hotel, Langkawi, Malaysia

The Andaman Hotel — my base for a few days

August 2015

The Andaman, Resort, Hotel, Jalan Teluk Datai, 7000 Kuah, Kedah, was a stunning-looking hotel built ‘in sympathy’ with the local rain forest.

The lobby was an incredible structure with a colony of bats above the main walkway.

Photo by Author — The Andaman Hotel, Langkawi, Malaysia
Photo by Author — The Andaman Hotel, Langkawi, Malaysia

The hotel had a great-looking pool.

Photo by Author — the pool at The Andaman Hotel, Langkawi, Malaysia
Photo by Author — the pool at The Andaman Hotel, Langkawi, Malaysia

And the view at breakfast was excellent.

Photo by Author — view from breakfast — The Andaman Hotel, Langkawi, Malaysia
Photo by Author — view from breakfast — The Andaman Hotel, Langkawi, Malaysia

Worryingly, the hotel room safe seems to be a bit portable!

Photo by Author — my highly portable room safe — The Andaman Hotel, Langkawi, Malaysia
Photo by Author — my highly portable room safe — The Andaman Hotel, Langkawi, Malaysia

And I couldn’t leave my bedroom window open, as monkeys would break in to search my room for food.

Photo by Author — don’t leave your room windows open at The Andaman Hotel, Langkawi, Malaysia, or you might get some unwelcome guests searching for food
Photo by Author — don’t leave your room windows open at The Andaman Hotel, Langkawi, Malaysia, or you might get some unwelcome guests searching for food

The hotel food and drink prices were about what I would expect to pay in such a place, cheaper than the UK or USA, but much more expensive than in local towns.

Breakfast (I had the buffet) was excellent but expensive at RM80 (£16 UK; $24 US). The evening meal was a better price and tasty, but it was expensive by local standards.

If you are thinking of eating in the fish restaurant on the beach or the other beach restaurant serving local dishes, then you will need to book ahead.

One unique feature of the beach bar was the way they determined the discount for the Thermo Happy Hour (5–6 pm). At 3 pm, they measured the temperature, and that was the discount, so if the temperature was 30 ºC, then the discount was 30%. Shame they were not doing it in Fahrenheit!

Photo by Author — The Andaman Hotel, Langkawi, Malaysia
Photo by Author — The Andaman Hotel, Langkawi, Malaysia

Overall, I enjoyed my stay at the Andaman. The hotel had a lovely beach, a nice pool, friendly and helpful staff, and Wi-Fi that worked.