Malaysia — Strawberries and the Cameron Highlands, Malaysia

What is it with strawberries in the Highlands?

August 2015

They do have a thing for strawberries in the Cameron Highlands.

Everywhere I went, there were poly-tunnels under which they were growing strawberries and several at which you could stop to ‘pick your own’.

Photo by Author — pick your own strawberries and the Cameron Highlands, Malaysia
Photo by Author — pick your own strawberries and the Cameron Highlands, Malaysia
Photo by Author — strawberries in the Cameron Highlands, Malaysia
Photo by Author — strawberries in the Cameron Highlands, Malaysia

Plus, there are the most amazing and, quite frankly, sometimes bizarre strawberry “sculptures” along the side of the roads.

Below is a collection of photos of some of the strawberry “sculptures” I saw in the Highlands.

Photo by Author — Strawberries sculptures in the Cameron Highlands, Malaysia
Photo by Author — Strawberries sculptures in the Cameron Highlands, Malaysia
Photo by Author — Strawberries sculptures in the Cameron Highlands, Malaysia
Photo by Author — Strawberries sculptures in the Cameron Highlands, Malaysia

I do like the idea of a Self-Plucking strawberry. It’s astonishing what they can do with a spot of genetic engineering.

Photo by Author — self-plucking strawberries — Cameron Highlands, Malaysia
Photo by Author — self-plucking strawberries — Cameron Highlands, Malaysia
Photo by Author — strawberries sculptures in the Cameron Highlands, Malaysia
Photo by Author — strawberries sculptures in the Cameron Highlands, Malaysia

It is all a bit odd.