Malaysia — Malacca — The Strange Trishaws of Malacca, Malaysia

I’m still not sure what to make of them!

June 2015

One thing that I found very odd in Malacca, and something that I thought detracted from the town, were all the weird bikes around. I found them almost tasteless, and I couldn’t understand their point. They didn’t seem to fit in with the town.

My guess, and this is just a guess, is that they started as just standard Trishaws, and someone found that more tourists used their Trishaws when they added a little bit of decoration, and then some weird evolution event occurred, and the bikes became more and more elaborate.

In the past, before they became more decorated, I may have used them to get around town. I certainly wouldn’t now.

Photo by Author — The Strange Trishaws of Malacca, Malaysia
Photo by Author — The Strange Trishaws of Malacca, Malaysia
Photo by Author — The Strange Trishaws of Malacca, Malaysia
Photo by Author — The Strange Trishaws of Malacca, Malaysia
Photo by Author — The Strange Trishaws of Malacca, Malaysia
Photo by Author — The Strange Trishaws of Malacca, Malaysia
Photo by Author — The Strange Trishaws of Malacca, Malaysia
Photo by Author — The Strange Trishaws of Malacca, Malaysia
Photo by Author — The Strange Trishaws of Malacca, Malaysia
Photo by Author — The Strange Trishaws of Malacca, Malaysia

The bikes may look garish during the day, but they reach a new level at night!

Photo by Author — The Strange Trishaws of Malacca, Malaysia, at night
Photo by Author — The Strange Trishaws of Malacca, Malaysia, at night
Photo by Author — The Strange Trishaws of Malacca, Malaysia, at night
Photo by Author — The Strange Trishaws of Malacca, Malaysia, at night