Malaysia — Malacca — Portuguese Custard Tarts, Durian Chocolates, Pineapple Tarts, and the worst snack in the world, Malacca, Malaysia

Snacking in Malacca

June 2015

OK, time to try some local snacks.

Custard Tarts

Malacca is famous for Portuguese Custard Tarts — and I must admit they are pretty good.

But why is the town famous for Portuguese Custard Tart?

What is a tart from Portugal doing in Malaysia (more information on the tarts)?

Well, it all comes down to history as one of the first colonising powers of the region was Portugal way back in 1511 (see Wikipedia for more details). It is pretty astonishing these little tarts have clung on despite the region swapping ‘powers’ numerous times over the centuries (Portuguese Empire 1511; Dutch Empire 1641; British Empire 1824; Straits Settlements 1826; Crown Colony 1867; Japanese occupation 15 January 1942; Malayan Union 1 April 1946; Federation of Malaya 31 January 1948; Malaysia 16 September 1963).

Photo by Author — Custard Tarts — Malacca, Malaysia
Photo by Author — Custard Tarts — Malacca, Malaysia
Photo by Author — Custard Tarts — Malacca, Malaysia
Photo by Author — Custard Tarts — Malacca, Malaysia

The tarts were pretty good, but it was odd encountering food that was an import from over 500 years ago and is still there.

Pineapple Tarts

I had heard great things about the Pineapple Tarts of Malacca, so I was keen to try some. They weren’t difficult to find, as they seemed to be on sale on pretty much every street corner and in every shop.

I found the tarts to be a bit of a disappointment as they were rather dry and not that tasty.

Photo by Author — Pineapple Tarts — Malacca, Malaysia
Photo by Author — Pineapple Tarts — Malacca, Malaysia

Update: A friend of mine, who has sampled many Pineapple Tarts, tried the ones I had bought and said I had managed to buy a poor batch. That is, they were overcooked and hence dry. Better luck next time, I guess?

Durian Chocolates

I also bought some Durian Chocolates on Heeren Street, Malacca, Malaysia (also sometimes spelt Herren), and on most maps of Malacca called Jalan Tun Tan Cheng Lock, as I thought they might be worth a try.

Photo by Author — Durian Chocolates — Malacca, Malaysia
Photo by Author — Durian Chocolates — Malacca, Malaysia

Very chocolatey, but not much taste of Durian. Maybe that was a good thing?

Worst snack in the world?

I also managed to buy what is possibly the worst snack in the world.

I am struggling to describe just how bad Big Bang Seaweed was. It was crispy and salty but sweet and fishy. Just plain horrible.

The makers describe it as:

"Tao Kae Noi Big Bang Classic Flavour Grilled Seaweed is packed full of goodness and delicious nutrients from the sea. It is manufactured with the most state-of-the-art technology, which maintains the quality and nutrients in the seaweed, ensuring the best smell and taste. Best served as a snack with your favourite drink, or any way you desire. A guilt-free snack — cholesterol and fat-free!”

Sorry, guys, but I have to go with YUCK!

Photo by Author — the worst snack in the world? — Malacca, Malaysia
Photo by Author — the worst snack in the world? — Malacca, Malaysia