Malaysia — Malacca — Exploring Malacca, Malaysia

A stroll around town

June 2015

I spent an afternoon exploring the old town of Malacca, which had a fascinating history.

The architecture was particularly interesting in that it is a mixture of Malaysian and European. Quite stunning at times. I particularly liked the style of the shops in the town and the old small narrow roads.

Photo by Author — the old part of town — exploring Malacca, Malaysia
Photo by Author — the old part of town — exploring Malacca, Malaysia
Photo by Author — narrow streets— exploring Malacca, Malaysia
Photo by Author — narrow streets— exploring Malacca, Malaysia

Heeren Street, Malacca, Malaysia

Heeren Street, Malacca, Malaysia, also sometimes spelt Herren, and on most maps of Malacca called Jalan Tun Tan Cheng Lock, had several small museums, some of which were selling their exhibits (??), and some fascinating architecture that hinted at the colonial history of the town.

Photo by Author — Heeren Street, Malacca, Malaysia
Photo by Author — Heeren Street, Malacca, Malaysia
Photo by Author — Heeren Street, Malacca, Malaysia
Photo by Author — Heeren Street, Malacca, Malaysia

And when walking around, it is sometimes a good idea to look up at the buildings as you never know what you might find.

Photo by Author — funky artwork — Heeren Street, Malacca, Malaysia
Photo by Author — funky artwork — Heeren Street, Malacca, Malaysia
Photo by Author — Heeren Street, Malacca, Malaysia
Photo by Author — Heeren Street, Malacca, Malaysia

I liked the town. There was a lot of interesting architecture and little places to explore. It was worth the effort to spend some time exploring in the heat of the day.