Malaysia — Hill Top Travel and Tour — Mossy Forest, Cameron Highlands, Malaysia

One weird forest

August 2015

The Mossy Forest was a special and fun to explore, but it was hard on the legs after the arduous trek to see the Rafflesia.

On the road down from Puncak Gunung Brinchang, there are several hidden little paths up to the left that enter the Mossy Forest, which is a cloud forest full of trees covered in moss. It has a real otherworldly feel as everything is soft underfoot, green and mossy, and the clouds are constantly moving up through the trees and over the ridge.

Photo by Author — Mossy Forest, Cameron Highlands, Malaysia
Photo by Author — Mossy Forest, Cameron Highlands, Malaysia

The paths through the mossy forest were not easy, with several steep climbs. You had to be careful as it was slippery, and some nasty long falls could result from a trip or a misplaced foot.

Photo by Author — Mossy Forest, Cameron Highlands, Malaysia
Photo by Author — Mossy Forest, Cameron Highlands, Malaysia

The look and feel of the forest was stunning.

Photo by Author — Mossy Forest, Cameron Highlands, Malaysia
Photo by Author — Mossy Forest, Cameron Highlands, Malaysia

The place did have a weird atmosphere. To me, sounds seemed muffled due to all the moss, and the clouds drifting in and out of the trees made it feel spooky.

Photo by Author — Mossy Forest, Cameron Highlands, Malaysia
Photo by Author — Mossy Forest, Cameron Highlands, Malaysia
Photo by Author — Mossy Forest, Cameron Highlands, Malaysia
Photo by Author — Mossy Forest, Cameron Highlands, Malaysia
Photo by Author — Mossy Forest, Cameron Highlands, Malaysia
Photo by Author — Mossy Forest, Cameron Highlands, Malaysia
Photo by Author — Mossy Forest, Cameron Highlands, Malaysia
Photo by Author — Mossy Forest, Cameron Highlands, Malaysia
Photo by Author — Mossy Forest, Cameron Highlands, Malaysia
Photo by Author — Mossy Forest, Cameron Highlands, Malaysia
Photo by Author — Mossy Forest, Cameron Highlands, Malaysia
Photo by Author — Mossy Forest, Cameron Highlands, Malaysia
Photo by Author — Mossy Forest, Cameron Highlands, Malaysia
Photo by Author — Mossy Forest, Cameron Highlands, Malaysia
Photo by Author — Mossy Forest, Cameron Highlands, Malaysia
Photo by Author — Mossy Forest, Cameron Highlands, Malaysia
Photo by Author — Mossy Forest, Cameron Highlands, Malaysia
Photo by Author — Mossy Forest, Cameron Highlands, Malaysia
Photo by Author — Mossy Forest, Cameron Highlands, Malaysia
Photo by Author — Mossy Forest, Cameron Highlands, Malaysia
Photo by Author — Mossy Forest, Cameron Highlands, Malaysia
Photo by Author — Mossy Forest, Cameron Highlands, Malaysia

Our guide and driver for the day.

Photo by Author — Hill Top Travel and Tour — Mossy Forest, Cameron Highlands, Malaysia
Photo by Author — Hill Top Travel and Tour — Mossy Forest, Cameron Highlands, Malaysia

The forest also has some stunning pitcher plants—the best I have ever seen.

Photo by Author — pitcher plant — Mossy Forest, Cameron Highlands, Malaysia
Photo by Author — pitcher plant — Mossy Forest, Cameron Highlands, Malaysia

The Mossy Forest is small as it runs along the ridge to the right of the road leading up to Puncak Gunung Brinchang. But it is worth the effort of getting out of a car to have a look — you will have to take a path up into the forest from the road to get the full effect. The forest has an ‘otherworldly’ feel.

A wonderful place.