Malaysia — Cameron Lavender Garden, The Highlands, Malaysia

Impressive flower displays and a bit weird

August 2015

They have some odd tourist attractions in the Cameron Highlands, one of which is the Cameron Lavender Garden.

The Cameron Lavender Garden, in a weird way, summed up my experience of the Highlands and tourist places in Malaysia.

A lot of the Cameron Lavender Garden was closed when I visited; for example, you couldn't pick the strawberries, and most of the shops were closed, but as it only cost RM6 (US$1.50; £1) to get in, I wasn’t too concerned.

Outside the Cameron Lavender Garden, there was the usual sculpture showing strawberries.

Photo by Author — the entrance to the Cameron Lavender Garden, The Highlands, Malaysia
Photo by Author — the entrance to the Cameron Lavender Garden, The Highlands, Malaysia

Inside, as the name — Cameron Lavender Garden — suggests, there were plenty of flowers and lavender. The place was pretty and did smell good.

Photo by Author — Cameron Lavender Garden, The Highlands, Malaysia
Photo by Author — Cameron Lavender Garden, The Highlands, Malaysia

However, there were some odd things, like this old Morris Minor shown below.

Photo by Author — an old split-screen Morris Minor — Cameron Lavender Garden, The Highlands, Malaysia
Photo by Author — an old split-screen Morris Minor — Cameron Lavender Garden, The Highlands, Malaysia

And you could leave a message to say how much you missed your loved one or loved that special person in your life. Very odd.

Photo by Author — love tokens — Cameron Lavender Garden, The Highlands, Malaysia
Photo by Author — love tokens — Cameron Lavender Garden, The Highlands, Malaysia

The colours and smells of the flowers were beautiful, though. It was a riot of colours.

Photo by Author — Cameron Lavender Garden, The Highlands, Malaysia
Photo by Author — Cameron Lavender Garden, The Highlands, Malaysia
Photo by Author — Cameron Lavender Garden, The Highlands, Malaysia
Photo by Author — Cameron Lavender Garden, The Highlands, Malaysia

And then you see something odd.

What was going on in the photo below?

Photo by Author — what is going on — Cameron Lavender Garden, The Highlands, Malaysia
Photo by Author — what is going on — Cameron Lavender Garden, The Highlands, Malaysia

But back to the flowers. They were excellent.

Photo by Author — Cameron Lavender Garden, The Highlands, Malaysia
Photo by Author — Cameron Lavender Garden, The Highlands, Malaysia
Photo by Author — Cameron Lavender Garden, The Highlands, Malaysia
Photo by Author — Cameron Lavender Garden, The Highlands, Malaysia

And then, just as you leave, you get freaked out by the scariest Minion I have ever seen.

Photo by Author — a creepy Minion at the Cameron Lavender Garden, The Highlands, Malaysia
Photo by Author — a creepy Minion at the Cameron Lavender Garden, The Highlands, Malaysia

I enjoyed my Cameron Lavender Garden visit, but only for the flowers’ colours and smells. The rest of the experience was a bit pushed and false, and I would imagine the place would be intolerable for me if it was crowded and all the small shops and stalls were open.

If you like flowers and are only interested in flowers, then I would suggest you visit early morning before the shops open, and the crowds arrive.