Australia — Seashell Café, Cervantes, WA 6511, Australia

Coffee and carrot cake by the sea

August 2015

After my 3-hour drive north from Perth, I stopped at the Seashell Café, Cervantes, WA 6511, Australia, for coffee and carrot cake and to look at the local beach before I headed off in search of Stromatolites. It was a nice leg stretch after a long drive.

Photo by Author — Seashell Café, Cervantes, WA 6511, Australia
Photo by Author — Seashell Café, Cervantes, WA 6511, Australia

I had to keep reminding myself that I was in the Southern Hemisphere, so it was winter. Even with the blue skies and sunshine, it was cold, particularly for someone travelling from the heat and humidity of Malaysia.

The beach at Cervantes was stunning, even when covered with seaweed washed ashore during winter storms.

Photo by Author — beach at Cervantes, WA 6511, Australia
Photo by Author — beach at Cervantes, WA 6511, Australia
Photo by Author — beach at Cervantes, WA 6511, Australia
Photo by Author — beach at Cervantes, WA 6511, Australia

There was also some interesting artwork.

Photo by Author — local artwork at Cervantes, WA 6511, Australia
Photo by Author — local artwork at Cervantes, WA 6511, Australia

Which the local birds used as a perch.

Photo by Author — local artwork at Cervantes, WA 6511, Australia
Photo by Author — local artwork at Cervantes, WA 6511, Australia

At the Seashell Café, I met two cyclists from Germany who were cycling around Australia to raise money for a water tank for the Oasis Academy in Mamba Village, Kenya. You can read all about their efforts on their website at

Photo by Author — the karifa at the Seashell Café, Cervante, WA 6511, Australia
Photo by Author — the karifa at the Seashell Café, Cervante, WA 6511, Australia

The karifa guys had some serious bikes.

Photo by Author — the karifa at the Seashell Café, Cervante, WA 6511, Australia
Photo by Author — the karifa at the Seashell Café, Cervante, WA 6511, Australia

Some 5 hours later, I saw the karifa cyclists again some 60 km south of Cervantes on the coast road. Those guys could move!

I liked Cervantes as it was a lovely little seaside town, with a pleasant café and some holiday lets. When I was there, the beach was stunning, if a little smelly.

This blog post forms part of a video about my trip on YouTube: