Australia — Perth, Australia — summary

Off to Bali

August 2015

Photo by Author — Pinnacles Desert, Nambung National Park, Cervantes, WA 6511, Australia
Photo by Author — Pinnacles Desert, Nambung National Park, Cervantes, WA 6511, Australia

I enjoyed revisiting Perth.

I have been coming to Perth for over 15 years, and in that time, I have seen some significant changes. The city has become a lot busier, and there is now a thriving small bar scene.

The trip’s highlight was visiting the Pinnacles and seeing the Stromatolites.

After Perth, I headed back on my SE Asia tour, and my next stop was Bali.

Why Bali?

So, why Bali?

During my time in SE Asia, I heard a lot about Bali and all good. So I thought I had better check the place out for myself. And as the flight from Perth to Bali was about 4 hours, it seemed a good place to get back on the SE Asia trail.

One thing I was looking forward to about going to Bali was I would be heading north and away from the cold weather of Perth. There is a saying, “There's no such thing as bad weather, only unsuitable clothing” (a phrase believed to have been coined by the UK fell walker Alfred Wainwright), and that was certainly the case in Perth as I was in ‘tropics’ mode with T-shirts and light-weight trousers, and Perth had winter weather. I needed thicker trousers and a warm jumper or two.