Australia — Driving North from Perth to the Pinnacles

Finally got to go to the Pinnacles

August 2015

I had a fantastic drive north towards the Pinnacles and the Stromatolites once I got out of Perth!

It seemed to take forever to get out of the city as the suburbs went on for miles and miles.

Once you get out of the town, you pass through mile upon mile of bushland, which at first glance appears all the same, but upon closer inspection, it is constantly changing. It was also a great time to drive out into the bush as it was waking up from its winter slumber, and the plants were starting to put out new green shoots and produce new flowers.

If I had visited in September, it would have been wildflower season, which would have been even better.

One thing I always find odd about Australia is that it is the same as the last time I visited, yet it is different. There is always something new to see. On this drive, “the new” was the changing quality of the bush and the complete lack of other cars. At one point, I drove for almost an hour and didn’t see one other car on my side of the road, and only ten or so passed in the opposite direction.

I didn’t see much wildlife. I saw a few birds flit by, one live kangaroo, and two dead. This always seems to be the case when I’m driving in Australia. On my first visit some 20 years ago, I spent about ten days driving around in the bush, and the only kangaroos I saw were dead.

I thoroughly enjoyed the drive, except for the slightly eccentric instructions of the in-car navigation system. Cruising along at 110 kph in a big truck on almost empty well, maintained roads was a joy and a delight.

This blog post forms part of a video on this trip to the stromatolites and Pinnacles.